Nicola Mc Laughlin

Nicola qualified with a Post Graduate Diploma in Exercise Physiology from Trinity College Dublin in 2010   and qualified with an MSc in Physiotherapy in 2013 from Northumbria University.

Nicola is a marathon runner, triathlete and  national track and road cyclist and aside from passion for sport is interested in the role of exercise and Pilates to support healthy lifestyles and quality of life.

Nicola has 12 years’ clinical experience working with children  and adults .Nicola special interests are sports performance,  rehabiliation, bone health , women exercise.

Nicola has completed Mat Pilates  qualifications and Shockwave Therapy. Nicola’s main interests are injury prevention, rehabilitation, exercise prescription, biomechanics, ergonomics, gait analysis, back pain, posture, bone health and sarcopenia. 

Nicola can offer the following physiotherapy services:

  • Exercise progammes for  runners from beginners  to marathon runners
  • 1:1 rehabilitation 
  • 1:1 sport specific rehabilitation e.g. (swimming, cycling, running)
  • Exercise programmes for women including perimenopause and menopause
  • Advice and education on  overtraining, injury prevention
  • Gait analysis and assessment of biomechanics. 
  • Footwear assessment including guidance and advice on orthotics & insoles.
  • Mat work Pilates APPI
  • Posture assessment including; advice on ergonomics. 
  • Mobility assessments for walking aids
  • Upper limb assessments 
  • Shockwave Therapy
  • Advice on bone health  sarcopenia, osteoporosis

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right choice for you. Beginner classes available